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SPS-300 P-Mode Password Control
Tax Shift
Tax shift keys are used to reverse the tax status of a PLU entry.
A tender is the register operation in which the amount of the payment is entered. If the tender
exceeds the amount due, the sale is finalized and change due is displayed.
Training Operation
Training operations do not add to PLU or function key totals. This allows an operator to practice
making entries without updating sales totals. If you wish to perform training operations,
designate one of the clerks for training. You must clear (Z) the register before the training clerk
can be used. When that clerk is signed on, the register is in “training mode”.
Transaction Number
See consecutive number.
Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a tax collection system where a portion of the item’s sale price is tax.
VAT is different than most sales taxes where tax amounts are calculated and added-on to the sale.
Value added taxes are included in the item price. Most locales in the USA do not use a VAT
system, which is used in Canada and other nations.
A void operation will erase a previous item entry. It must be used inside of a sale only.
X & Z Reports
X (eXamine) reads reports without resetting and Z (Zero) reads and resets your sales totals.