Controls Ltd.
Manual PCD7.D23x│Document 26/795; Edition E7│15.04.2005
Code maps
This character set contains the characters available in the code maps Windows 1250
and Windows 1252 (Mapping is different).
Pixel map inversion:
At negative entry setting (ESC@N1) at all 6 x8 pixel are inverted before entry.
At a background screen store the pixels are stored as such.
The cursor indication inverts all 6 x 8 pixel in full mode and 6 x 2 bootom line pixels
in underline mode. At a negative entry is shown (by background screen replay or
direct) it is re-inverted to normal.
Advanced command options (Use other than with HMI:
With the advanced commands (Chap.4.3) also code map redirection with combined
use of the default and alternative code map is possible using the ESC@F1 through
ESC@F3 commands.
Also in this case the negative entry option can be used.
Also, for each character code a free to define pixel map can be loaded.
The displayed symbols can be 6 x 8 pixel up to 18 x 24 pixel (w x h).
In this case there is no negative entry option.
For the programming details contact SBC.