Controls Ltd.
Manual PCD7.D23x│Document 26/795; Edition E7│15.04.2005
Setup menu
Setup Menu
How to enter into the “Setup menu”?
D230: Press the single knob at the display of the version indication to power-up
D231 and D232: Press any key (excepted Shift key) at the display of the ver-
sion indication to power-up
D231 and D232: Press (Shift info) at running display
The access to the setup mode while running may be switched off using the serial lock
command (ESC@g1 / ESC@o1) before. The serial locking setting is permanently
stored so that can have been done any time before.
The serial lock mode can by reset by the serial unlock command (ESC@g0 /
ESC@o0), the serial command restart cold with defaults (ESC@C) or by a renewed
power-up and calling the ‘Set to default’ option in the setup menu that does exactly
the same as indicated next
PCD7.D230, D231 and D232
By default the terminal is delivered with full access to the setup menu. That means
that each parameter can be changed. In the HMI-Editor it’s possible to activate and
deactivate a command which allows the access or not to the setup menu.
Setup locked: No access to the setup menu at run time. Calling power-up the serial
mode settings are locked.
Setup unlocked: Access to the setup menu at run time with full possibilities to change
the serial mode with it
How to unlock the setup menu in the setup?
Select the line “back to defaults” and press the single knob or enter key
How to navigate into the “Setup menu”?
Turn the single knob to the left or right to select a line and confirm with short pressing.
“Enter” command:
short pressing
= saving
“Escape” command:
longer pressing
= quit without saving
PCD7.D231 and D232
Press up and down arrow-keys to select a line and press “enter” key
“Enter” command:
(shift + ▼) or (►)
= saving
“Escape” command:
(ESC) or (◄)
= quit without saving
The selection of the “baudrate” and the selection of the “mode” have to be confirmed
by a second pressing of the single knob or on the “enter” key.
Turn on single-knob to select
“Show Information”
and press the single knob
“Show Information”
(read only)