Controls Ltd.
Manual PCD7.D23x│Document 26/795; Edition E7│15.04.2005
Creation of user dialogue with the HMI-Editor
New functionalities with HMI-Editor V1.2
1 System texts
A list of system texts has been implemented. The list is in the Object Attribute tab.
The HMI compiler will cut or extend the text to the correct length.
2 Password visibility
A new option ‘Visibility‘ has been added in the Password settings (Settings tab) Vis-
ible /edit visible and Hidden.
3 Add login menu
The option ‘Add login menu‘ is available also with point to point topology. When a key
is pressed, the login menu is displayed to enter the password.
4 Hide menu positions
In the menu, the access to menu can be restricted by the password level.
5 Enable flag on menu position
In a similar way as with the password level, an Enable flag can be specified on each
menu position.
6 Call first menu
A new call type ‚Call first menu‘ is implemented.
7 Modem string and Phone number
New format are implemented to edit a modem string.
8 Status
The Status is now also organized in a list.
9 Language Manager
The Language manager is one of the biggest improvement of the version 1.2 of the
HMI-Editor. The Language manager allows to enter all texts in up to 5 languages in
the HMI file. The selection of the displayed language on the terminal is made before
compilation. In this way, it’s possible to create a new application in another language
(or variants) just by recompiling the same HMI file.
10 Import
The Import command allows to import part of an existing HMI file into the current file.
The user can choose to clear the current file or not before the importation. The import
command manages also the 5 languages.
11 New terminal
Supports PCD7.D230 terminal
New functionnalities with HMI-Editor V1.3
1 New terminals
Support new PCD7.D231, D232 terminals (with Version $1.3.010 or later)
2 Graphic functions
Using the graphics-display to show Icons and trends
3 Buzzer management