Controls Ltd.
Manual PCD7.D23x│Document 26/795; Edition E7│15.04.2005
0 Content
Use of the PCD7.D230, D231 and D232 terminals as remote displays for ....
1.2.1 Configuration with one terminal as remote display ....................................... 1-2
1.2.2 Configuration with one terminal as second display for PCS1 ....................... 1-4
1.2.3 Configuration with two or more PCD7.D230, D231 and D232 terminals as .
remote displays for PCS1 (mixing not possible) ........................................... 1-5
Use of the PCD7.D230, D231 or D232 as remote displays for the PCD
1.3.2 Configuration for several terminals (mixing is not possible) .......................... 1-9
Special configuration with several terminals with RS 422 Free Terminal
Communication connector, D-Sub 9 pole ....................................................... 1-12
Technical Data PCD7.D230, D231 and D232 ................................................. 2-2
2.3.1 PCD7.K423: for interface RS 232 (with handshake RTS/CTS) .................... 2-4
2.3.2 PCD7.K412: for interface RS 232 (without handshake RTS/CTS) ............... 2-4
2.3.4 PCD7.K422: for interface RS 232 (without handshake RTS/CTS) ............... 2-5
User created interface connection cables ....................................................... 2-7
2.4.1 Connection in RS 422 mode (single terminal) .............................................. 2-7
2.4.3 Connection in RS 422 Multi Drop (example with PCD7.F110 module) ......... 2-8
2.4.4 Connection in RS 232 ( with Handshake RTS/CTS) for an autonomous
version without 24 VDC power supply .......................................................... 2-8
3.1.1 Standard modes (available with D23x, FW 25) ............................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Special modes (available with D23x, FW 25) ............................................... 3-2
4.1.1 The PCD7.D23x return codes in direct mode ............................................... 4-1