MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
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July 17
Template: A term used to describe the data that is stored during the enrolment process.
The data is a mathematical representation of the ridge pattern of the enrolled finger
Primary Template: This is the template that resides in the first template slot on the
smart card. When verification is initiated, this primary template is the first template that
is used in that verification process.
Secondary Template: This is an optional second template stored on the smart card that
is also used in the verification process if the primary template verification fails.
Users: The individuals that use a hardware system.
User Groups: The sets of users grouped together in a system (usually by the similarity of
the functions they perform).
1:1 Mode: In 1:1 mode, a user enters his or her User ID first. Then the user is requested
to provide a personal data such as place a finger on a sensor or enter a PIN. Then the
acquired data is matched against the reference data linked to user ID (example:
fingerprint found on users’ card which provides the User ID at beginning of the process).
1:N Mode: In 1:N mode, a user places his or her finger on the device without entering
an ID. The terminal compares the user’s scanned finger with the many enrolled fingers
in its internal database.
Identification (Searching or 1:N): The operation of Identifying a user by comparing a live
finger scan against all stored finger-scan records in a database to determine a match.
Identification uses the finger scan only - no cards or PINs. Identification is only available
on devices that are in 1:N mode.
Authentication (1:1): The operation of confirming a user is who he claims to be by
comparing a live finger scan image against a stored fingerprint template. The result (pass
or fail) that is returned is based on whether the score is above a pre-defined threshold
value. Some type of credential (PIN, Prox card, smart card, etc.) is necessary to initiate
the biometric verification.
Webserver: Webserver is a web-based application embedded in the MorphoAccess®
SIGMA Family terminal. Webserver enables the management of the settings of the
terminal from any computer (desktop, laptop or a tablet) equipped with a compatible
Internet browser and connected to the same network as the terminal.
SecureAdmin: Client software for managing terminal configuration for MorphoAccess®
SIGMA Family terminal running in L-1 Bioscrypt Legacy mode