MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
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July 17
Templates supported
Morpho terminals are able to manage external templates. Following is the list of supported
Morpho private fingerprint template formats
PK_COMPV2, fingerprint template format (minutiae).
PK_MAT, little endian fingerprint template format (minutiae).
PK_LITE, fingerprint template format (minutiae).
Morpho private multimodal template formats
PK_FVP multimodal template format.
L-1 Bioscrypt private fingerprint template formats
TEM from 4G, fingerprint template format (pattern) (only used for 1/1 matching)
VUR from 4G, fingerprint template format (pattern) (only used for 1/1 matching)
BUR from 4G, fingerprint template format (pattern and minutiae) (used for 1/1 and 1/N
Public fingerprint template formats
ANSI INCITS 378-2004, fingerprint template format
ISO/IEC 19794-2 2004, Finger Minutiae Record
ISO/IEC 19794-2 2004, Finger Minutiae Card Record:
Normal Size
Compact Size
Compact Size, minutiae ordered by Ascending Angle
MINEX_A, fingerprint template format
DIN V66400, Compact Size fingerprint template format (minutiae)
DIN V66400, Compact Size fingerprint template format (minutiae ordered by Ascending Angle)