MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Administrator Guide
MorphoAccess® Terminal Administration Menu
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July 17
Communication menu
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminals are standalone terminals, it means the configuration
and operations are performed without any connection to a host application. However,
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family Terminal is required to communicate with distant applications
such as door controller, access controller or hosted application like Webserver. Communication
with distant systems can be done to perform the following functions:
Connect to Central Access Controller in order to grant or deny the access to the user
across multiple locations.
Terminal configuration
Terminal maintenance: firmware upgrade, add a license (to unlock an optional feature)
Database management: add, modify or remove a user
Log file management: get or delete log file
Configuring the Wi-Fi™ connection.
There are several communication channels which can be used to connect with distant systems
like through Ethernet channel, Wi-Fi™ network, 3G/GPRS network or Serial channel. Refer
section “Connecting the Terminal to a PC” to understand in detail.
The administrator can configure network parameters to enable communication with distant
systems, using Communication Menu. Only an administrator with Full Admin Rights can access
this menu.
Figure 171:
Communication Menu