MorphoAccess® SIGMA Series - Administrator Guide
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July 17
T&A Mode Mandatory or Optional Scenarios
Mandatory: An administrator can set T&A Mode as Mandatory. It means it is mandatory
for the user to input T&A action by selecting function key, in order to get access. There
are three possible scenarios when T&A is in normal mandatory mode and user initiates
an access request.
T&A before User Control by selecting F Key: It means user first selects a T&A action,
then terminal will ask user to place his finger on the sensor or present his card. Then,
after user's data acquisition, the terminal checks access rights and display the result for
the user.
T&A before User Control without selecting F Key: In this scenario, user will place his
finger on the sensor or present his card. Instead of access rights check, terminal will first
prompt user to enter a T&A action. Once function key is selected, user access rights
check will begin and terminal will display access result.
T&A after User Control without selecting F Key: In this scenario, user will place his finger
on the sensor or present his card. Terminal will first authenticate the user. On access
granted result, terminal will prompt user to enter a T&A action. Once function key
selected, terminal will allow access.
Optional: If T&A Mode is not mandatory, then user has a choice to whether input the
function key or not. The terminal will initiate access rights check without T&A input.
However, the transaction logs generated has the records which states that user has input
the F key.
Once T&A parameters are configured, T&A icon is displayed on the home screen of the
MorphoAccess® SIGMA Family terminal. When user presents his fingerprint, on successful
authentication, terminal will ask user to select functional key on T&A screen. If T&A is not
mandatory, user can select the T&A icon before presenting the fingerprints, if required.