It’s important that you watch the included instructional DVD
or watch online at www.5in1Fryer.com.
- First you Steam with fl avored Steam. Then you Fry to
sear your meats and poultry and lock the fl avor and juices in.
You must use the SES
During the steaming process, water condensation will drip down onto
your countertop. It is necessary that you place on an absorbent cloth or some paper
towels under your Fryer to absorb any of the dripping water.
It is necessary that you remove the Charcoal Filter from the Fryer
Lid’s cartridge during the fl avor steaming process and replace it with the plastic
SteamBlocking Sheet (with tab) or Aluminum Foil Sheet (See DVD).
Pour 5 Qts. of liquid
(water, juice, beer or wine) into the Inner Cooking Bowl. You
may also fl avor infuse the liquid with fresh herbs, garlic etc… To measure your liquid
to 5 Qts. , use the embossed line on the vertical Heating Element or use your own
measuring container.
Insert the SES.
Pick the SES with both hands and with the Fryer facing you, line up
the sleeve’s rear cut-out with the top of the Control Box’s snorkel. Set the sleeve on
the inside of the Inner Cooking Bowl. Then, with both hands on top of both sides of
the SES, push down hard so that the bottom of the SES sits on the ledge located
near the top of the Inner Cooking Bowl. Then lock both Spring Locks down.
Place meat or poultry in Wire Basket.
Place Basket Handles in the draining position
holes just above the locks on the SES. Place your Fryer Lid (with SteamBlocking
Sheet in the cartridge) on top.
Turn the Thermostat Dial
all the way to 385°F and Set Timer for 45 minutes or the
length of time required to do the Steam portion of your SteamFrying. Check your
recipe for the correct steaming time. When the bell rings the Fryer will turn off. You
may have to reset the Timer to add additional steaming time depending upon the
size of your meat or poultry. When the bell goes off the infused Steaming process
is complete.
Basket Handles must remain in the draining position when
so that your food-fi lled basket won’t be submerged into the
liquid below.
Turn Thermostat Dial all the way to maximum.
Set Timer for 45 minutes
the length of time required for your SteamFry
recipe. After the bell rings, the
light and Fryer will turn off. Reset the Timer for an additional 25 minutes or the
length of time required for your SteamFry
recipe. After the bell rings, the infused
steaming process is complete.