General Description
User Manual 1176.8116.02 ─ 04
Fig. 3-3: Test setup for microphone and speaker test
If your DUT supports electrical coupling, you can test the speaker and the microphone
simultaneously. If you use acoustical coupling, it is recommended to test speaker and
microphone one after another (switch on only one generator at a time), so that the two
acoustical couplings at the DUT can not interfere with each other.
3.1.4 Test Setup for External Speech Analysis
The scenarios "External Analog Speech Analysis" and "External Digital Speech Analy-
sis" are designed for external analysis of the speech quality of a mobile phone.
The typical test setup is similar to a "Microphone- and Speaker Test" setup, with the
audio generators and measurements located in an external audio analyzer supporting
speech quality analysis, for example the R&S UPV or the R&S UPP. The audio gener-
ators and measurements of the R&S
CMW do not support speech analysis and are not
So the setup comprises an external audio analyzer (e.g. R&S UPV), an R&S
CMW, the
DUT and in the case of acoustical coupling, an artificial head. The audio board must be
equipped with a speech codec (R&S CMW-B405A). An R&S
CMW signaling applica-
tion is used to set up a speech connection to the DUT.
Fig. 3-4: Test setup for external speech analysis (mono signal)
Test Setups