background image

 / PM6








50 Hz






60 Hz



















































Noise level (max.)

Motor rating

Weight (max.)




Repair on Site: For all repairs on site an electrician must disconnect the motor so that an accidental start of the unit cannot happen.
All engineers are recommended to consult the original manufacturer or one of the subsidiaries,  agents or service agents. The address of the
nearest repair workshop can be obtained from the manufacturer on application.
After a repair or before re-installation follow the instructions as shown under the headings ”Installation and Initial Operation”.
Lifting and Transport: To lift and transport the DCLF...D units the eye bolt on the pump must be used.
The weight of the pumps are shown in the accompanying table.
Storage: DCLF...D units must be stored in dry ambient conditions with normal humidity. If a pump needs to be stocked for a period longer than
3 months we would recommend using an anticorrosion oil rather than the normal lubricant.
Disposal: The wearing parts (as listed in the spare parts lists) should be disposed of with due regard to health and safety regulations.
Spare parts list:

E 350

DCLF 40 D - DCLF 200 D

Trouble Shooting

Motor starter cuts out compressor:

1.1 Check that the incoming voltage and frequency corresponds with the motor data plate.
1.2 Check the connections on the motor terminal block.
1.3 Incorrect setting on the motor starter.
1.4 Motor starter trips too fast.

Solution: Use a motor starter with a time delay trip (version as per IEC 947-4).

1.5 The compressor is too cold.
1.6 The regulating valve is dirty causing excess pressure.

Insufficient pressure capacity:

2.1 Inlet and/or exhaust filters are obscured.
2.2 Suction pipe work is too long or too small.

Compressor does not reach overpressure:

3.1 Leak on the compressor or on the system.
3.2 Blades are damaged.
3.3 Motor rating selected was too small.

Pressure/vacuum pump operates at an abnormally high temperature:

4.1 Ambient or suction temperature is too high.
4.2 Cooling air flow is restricted.
4.3 The viscosity of lubricant is too low.
4.4 Problem as per 1.6.

Exhausted air contains visible oil mist:

5.1 Oil sieves are fitted incorrectly or are dirty.
5.2 Incorrect oil brand is used.
5.3 Problem as per 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

Unit emits abnormal noise:
Note: A knocking noise from the rotor blades is normal when cold starting as long as it disappears within two minutes with increasing operating

6.1 The coupling rubbers are worn (see under “servicing”).
6.2 The compress cylinder is worn. Solution: send your complete unit off for repair to the supplier or approved service agent.
6.3 The regulating valve is noisy. Solution: replace valve.
6.4 Blades are damaged.
6.5 Blades are hindered through oil-coal deposits at the gliding motion in the rotor slot.

Solution: Application of synthetic lubricating oil. If noise does not disappear, overhaul the DCLF...D through the supplier or approved service

6.6 The viscosity of lubricant is too high.
6.7 Problem as per 1.5.

Water in lubricant i.e. Emulsification:

7.1 Compressor pulls in water because of the application.

Solution: Fit water separators on to the suction side.


Summary of Contents for DCLF 100 D

Page 1: Dauerbetrieb ist zul ssig Die abgesaugte Luft darf kein Wasserdampf Wasser und andere Fl ssigkeiten enthalten Aggressive oder brennbare Gase oder D mpfe d rfen nicht abgesaugt werden Die Umgebungst...

Page 2: ...Wir empfehlen bei andauerndem Aufenthalt in der Umgebung des laufenden Verdichters das Benutzen pers nlicher Geh rschutzmittel um eine Dauersch digung des Geh rs zu vermeiden 2 laerosole in der Abluf...

Page 3: ...ld Je nach Arbeitsbedingungen unterliegen die Kupplungs gummis k einem Verschlei und sollten von Zeit zu Zeit berpr ft werden Verschlissene Kupplungsgummis ma chen sich durch ein schlagendes Ger usch...

Page 4: ...t zu rasch aus Abhilfe Verwendung eines Motorschutzschalters mit berlastabh ngiger Abschaltverz gerung die den kurzzeitigen berstrom beim Start ber cksichtigt Ausf hrung mit Kurzschlu und berlastausl...

Page 5: ...oduce pressure up to the maximum limits which are shown at the data plate N They may be operated continuously Amounts of water vapour water other liquids aggressive gases or vapours may not be handled...

Page 6: permanently in the vicinity of an operating compressor we recommend wearing ear protection to avoid any damage to hearing 2 Oil mist in the Exhaust Stream Even with the oil sieves the exhausted air...

Page 7: ...Coupling picture The coupling rubbers k are wearing parts and should be checked regularly When the coupling rubbers are worn this can be detected by a knocking sound when the compressor pump is start...

Page 8: ...ting on the motor starter 1 4 Motor starter trips too fast Solution Use a motor starter with a time delay trip version as per IEC 947 4 1 5 The compressor is too cold 1 6 The regulating valve is dirty...

Page 9: ...les bar indiqu es sur la plaque signal tique N Un fonctionnement en continu ces valeurs est possible L air aspir ne doit contenir ni vapeur d eau ni de l eau ou autres liquides Des gaz agressifs ou in...

Page 10: ...ement En d pit du d shuilage tr s pouss obtenu par le filtre s parateur d huile des a rosols r siduels en quantit minime sont refoul s et d tectables leur odeur La respiration continue de ces a rosols...

Page 11: ...oucs d accou plement k sont soumis une usure et doivent tre v rifi s de temps autre Des caoutchoucs us s sont reconnaissables un bruit anormal de cognement lors du d marrage de l appareil Des caoutcho...

Page 12: ...un disjoncteur coupure temporis e qui tiendra compte d une ventuelle surintensit au d marrage ex cution VDE 0660 Partie 2 ou IEC 947 4 1 5 Compresseur trop froide 1 6 Le valve de r glage est encrass e...

Page 13: ...a N E consentito il funzionamento continuato L aria aspirata pu contenere vapore acqueo ma non acqua e altri liquidi inoltre non devono essere aspirati gas aggressivi o combustibili La temperatura amb...

Page 14: ...ata in sala macchine di utilizzare protezioni individuali per le orecchie per evitare danni irreversibili all udito 2 Aereosol allo scarico Nonostante la separazione dell olio attraverso gli elementi...

Page 15: ...unto Fig In base alle condizioni di funzionamento i giunti in gomma k sono soggetti ad usura e devono quindi essere controllati periodicamente I giunti in gomma usurati sono riconoscibili dal forte ru...

Page 16: ...l salvamotore troppo rapido Rimedio utilizzo di un salvamotore con sganciamento ritardato che tenga conto della sovracorrente allo spunto Esecuzione con interruttore di cortocircuito e di sovraccarico...

Page 17: ...ltet N angivne maksimale tryk i bar Kontinuerlig drift er tilladt Den evakuerede luft m indeholde vanddamp men ikke vand og andre v sker Pumpen er ikke konstrueret til befordring af aggressive gasser...

Page 18: ...erosol i afgangsluft Selv om vakuumpumperne har et meget effektivt oliesepareringssystem kan det ikke undg s at der er olielugt og olieaerosol i afgangsluften Konstant ind nding af denne luft kan v re...

Page 19: ...indefra bankes ud i h nden eller udskiftes Indbygning sker i omvendt r kkef lge 4 Kobling billede Koblingsgummi k slides og ldes og skal derfor regel m ssigt udskiftes N r koblingsgummi er defekt h re...

Page 20: ...urtigt ud Afhj lpning anvend motorv rn med tidsforsinket udkobling efter VDE 0660 del 2 hhv IEC 947 4 1 5 Tryk vakuumpumpe er for kold 1 6 Tryk og vakuumreguleringsventiler er tilstoppede s ledes at d...

Page 21: ...aangezogen lucht mag waterdamp bevatten maar geen water of andere vloeistoffen Agressieve of brandbare gassen mogen niet verpompt worden De omgevingstemperatuur en de temperatuur van de aangezogen lu...

Page 22: ...ponthoud in de nabijheid van de draaiende compressor gehoorbeschermende middelen te gebruiken om een blijvende beschadiging van het gehoor te vermijden 2 Oliedampen in de uitblaaslucht Ondanks de best...

Page 23: gebruik ondergaan de koppelings rubbers k een zekere slijtage en dienen van tijd tot tijd gecontroleerd te worden Versleten koppelingsrubbers zijn te constateren door een sterk ratelend geluid tijd...

Page 24: ...chakelaar is niet juist afgesteld 1 4 Motorbeveiligingsschakelaar valt te snel uit Oplossing Gebruik van een motorbeveiligingsschakelaar met vertraagde overbelasting uitschakeling die de kortstondige...

Page 25: ...yores Las unidades DCLF D generan una presi n hasta los l mites m ximos que figuran en la placa de datos N Son aptos para el funcionamiento continuo No deben aspirarse vapor de agua agua otros l quido...

Page 26: ...Aceite atomizado en la salida A pesar del alto rendimiento del separador de vapor de aceite el aire expulsado puede contener cantidades extremadamente reducidas de aceite atomizado que puede detectars...

Page 27: ...a desgaste y deben comprobarse de forma regular El desgaste de los casqui llos puede detectarse por el golpeteo al poner el compre sor en marcha Los casquillos defectuosos pueden causar se rios da os...

Page 28: prisa Utilizar un retardo versi n IEC 947 4 1 5 El compresor est demasiado fr a 1 6 Presi n excesiva causada por suciedad en la v lvula reguladora 2 Capacidad aspirante insuficiente 2 1 Filtros o m...

Page 29: ...f r inte inneh lla vatten nga vatten eller andra v tskor Pumpen r ej konstruerad att transportera aggressiva eller explosiva gaser och ngor Omgivningstemperaturen och temperaturen p den insugande luft...

Page 30: med ett h geffektivt oljeavskiljningssystem kan man inte undg att sm m ngder olja f ljer med tryckluften Konstant inandning av denna luft kan vara h lsov dligt och en god ventilation av den lokal d...

Page 31: ...bytas Montering sker i omv nd ordning 4 Koppling bild Allt efter arbetsbelastningen blir kopplingsgummin k utsatta f r slitage och skall d rf r regelbundet kontrolle ras N r kopplingsgummin r defekta...

Page 32: ...kydd r ej r tt inst llt 1 4 Motorskydd l ser f r snabbt tg rd Anv nd motorskydd med f rdr jd funktion 1 5 Kompressorn r f r kall 1 6 Tryckreglerventilen r igensatt och till tet tryck verskrides 2 Kapa...
