R8C/1A Group, R8C/1B Group
18. Flash Memory
Dec 08, 2006
Page 251 of 315
CPU Rewrite Mode
In CPU rewrite mode, the user ROM area can be rewritten by executing software commands from the CPU.
Therefore, the user ROM area can be rewritten directly while the MCU is mounted on a board without using a
ROM programmer. Execute the program and block erase commands only to blocks in the user ROM area.
The flash module has an erase-suspend function when an interrupt request is generated during an erase operation in
CPU rewrite mode. It performs an interrupt process after the erase operation is halted temporarily.
During erase-suspend, the user ROM area can be read by a program.
In case an interrupt request is generated during an auto-program operation in CPU rewrite mode, the flash module
has a program-suspend function which performs the interrupt process after the auto-program operation. During
program-suspend, the user ROM area can be read by a program.
CPU rewrite mode has an erase write 0 mode (EW0 mode) and an erase write 1 mode (EW1 mode). Table 18.3 lists
the Differences between EW0 Mode and EW1 Mode.
1. When the FMR02 bit in the FMR0 register is set to 1 (rewrite enabled), rewriting block 0 is enabled by setting
the FMR15 bit in the FMR1 register to 0 (rewrite enabled), and rewriting block 1 is enabled by setting the
FMR16 bit to 0 (rewrite enabled).
Table 18.3
Differences between EW0 Mode and EW1 Mode
EW0 Mode
EW1 Mode
Operating mode
Single-chip mode
Single-chip mode
Areas in which a rewrite
control program can be
User ROM area
User ROM area
Areas in which a rewrite
control program can be
Necessary to transfer to any area other
than the flash memory (e.g., RAM) before
Executing directly in user ROM area is
Areas which can be
User ROM area
User ROM area
However, blocks which contain a rewrite
control program are excluded.
Software command
• Program and block erase commands
• Cannot be run on any block which
contains a rewrite control program
• Read status register command cannot be
Modes after program or
Read status register mode
Read array mode
Modes after read status
Read status register mode
Do not execute this command
CPU status during auto-
write and auto-erase
Hold state (I/O ports hold state before the
command is executed.)
Flash memory status
• Read bits FMR00, FMR06, and FMR07
in the FMR0 register by a program.
• Execute the read status register
command and read bits SR7, SR5, and
SR4 in the status register.
Read bits FMR00, FMR06, and FMR07 in
the FMR0 register by a program.
Conditions for transition to
Set bits FMR40 and FMR41 in the FMR4
register to 1 by a program.
The FMR40 bit in the FMR4 register is set
to 1 and the interrupt request of the
enabled maskable interrupt is generated.
Conditions for transitions to
Set bits FMR40 and FMR42 in the FMR4
register to 1 by a program.
The FMR40 bit in the FMR4 register is set
to 1 and the interrupt request of the
enabled maskable interrupt is generated.
CPU clock
5 MHz or below
No restriction (on clock frequency to be