Chapter 5 AN100U/UX Troubleshooting
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Figure 5-5
Example of Service Flow Classifiers with Subscriber Computer Configured as
The Hosts' MAC Address(es) is Unknown
The above example is based on the assumption that you know the MAC address of devices
behind the SU. If the hosts' MAC address is unknown then there are two options.
Option 1—You can classify based on the MAC address of the router. The downlink
classifier 1.1, in the above example, would have a source MAC address equal to that
of the router.
While the uplink Classifier 2.1 would have a destination MAC address equal to that of
the router. In this way it doesn't matter which downstream host the traffic is originating
from, as long as it's all heading to the same router/server.
Figure 5-6
Example of Service Flow Classifiers with Router Configured as Source/Destination