Hardware Installation
PixelStor 5000 User Manual
Rev. 1, May 2013
-g/--gui: this tool is called from GUI
-h/--help: display help information
-i/--info: display information of the system's main chassis
and expander firmware
-n [URL]/--new [URL]: specify the firmware file name and it's location
-u download the firmware, even if it is older than the
firmware on the main chassis or expander
-q hide download progress information
Option Requirements:
URL is in the following format:
The host specified with 'ip_address' must be a FTP site. If the FTP
server accepts 'anonymous' user, the 'usrname:passwd' can be omitted.
Command Examples
dafwdwnld -n joe:[email protected]/images/vsc7513.fuf
dafwdwnld -n joe:[email protected]/images/vsc7513.fuf -u
dafwdwnld -n
dafwdwnld –I
Use dapm to display the drive power management state and to set the inactivity period
for drive spin-down.
dapm - Use dapm to display drive power management state.
- Use dapm to set inactivity period for drive to spin down.
dapm [Options]
-help: Display help information.
-s Display drive power management state.
-l [inactivityPeriod] Set inactivity period for drive to spin down.
Valid values: 0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150,