Notational conventions
This manual uses the following conventions
All numbers are decimal unless otherwise stated.
Electrostatic discharge
This product contains static-sensitive components and should be handled with care.
Failure to employ adequate antistatic measures can cause irreparable damage to components.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage can result in partial or complete device failure,
performance degradation, or reduced operating life. To avoid ESD damage, the following
precautions are strongly recommended.
Keep each module/PCB in its ESD shielding bag until you are ready to install it.
Before touching a module, attach an ESD wrist strap to your wrist and connect its other
end to a known ground.
Handle the module only in an area that has its working surfaces, floor coverings, and
chairs connected to a known ground.
Hold modules only by their edges and mounting hardware. Avoid touching PCB
components and connector pins.
For further information on ESD, visit
A keyword.
File, function, and utility names.
Screen text and syntax strings.
A command to enter.
Variable parameters.
Brackets [ ]
Command options.
Curly braces { }
A grouped list of parameters.
Vertical line |
An “OR” in the syntax. Indicates a choice of parameters.