Enterprise Multi-WAN VPN QoS Router
To define a name for the WAN grouping in the box, such as
“Education” etc. The name is for recognizing different WAN
Check the boxes for the WANs to be added into this
Add To List:
To add a WAN group to the grouping list.
Delete selected
To remove selected WANs from the WAN grouping.
Click “Apply” to save the modification.
Click “Cancel” to cancel the modification. This only works
before “Apply” is clicked.
After the configuration is completed, in the China Netcom Policy window users can select
WANs in combination to connect with Netcom.
Import Strategy:
A division of traffic policy can be defined by users too. In the “Import Strategy” window, select
the WAN or WAN group (ex. WAN 1) to be assigned and click the “Import IP Range” button; the
dialogue box for document importation will be displayed accordingly. A policy document is an
editable text document. It may contain a destination IP users designated. After the path for
document importation has been selected, click “Import”, and then at the bottom of the
configuration window click “Apply”. The device will then dispatch the traffic to the assigned
destination IP through the WAN (ex. WAN 1) or WAN grouping users designated to the Internet.