) .
!) ) .
This utility cannot be used to download Kanji TrueType fonts. See
your Kanji TrueType font software documentation for information
on how to download these fonts.
Did the printer run out of memory while downloading Kanji fonts?
If you experience memory problems when downloading Kanji
fonts, then you can do one of the following to increase
printer memory:
Add 4 MB more printer memory. See “SIMM,” later in this sec-
tion for complete information.
Decrease the number of fonts that you are downloading.
When downloading a large number of fonts, packet them in
smaller groups for downloading. (For example, instead of
downloading 4 fonts at one time, download 2).
Are you getting the following message:
The Resolution of this PostScript Device
Exceeds the Maximum Resolution Specified in the
Licensing Agreement
It is possible to get this message when attempting to download
Adobe Type Library or Morisawa Type Library Kanji fonts without
first downloading the JFontPrep file.
If you get this message, you must download this file.
@AB >
Does the startup page indicate that the Kanji internal IDE hard
disk is on line?
When this disk is on line, Japanese fonts print in the lower half of
the startup page. If not, check that the disk is installed correctly
and that the disk is not damaged.
Does your application support Japanese fonts?
You should be able to select these fonts if the application
supports them.