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The Online Help hotlink on the home page jumps to any help informa-
tion that has been configured on the System Support page (Printer
Help URL). You can configure this to jump to your own help web site
set up on your local intranet or to the QMS online help system infor-
mation for your QMS print system.
Your printer web page is supported with help and support tools
located at the QMS web site. If you typed in the QMS online perfor-
mance support address on the System Support page (Printer Help
URL), when you click on the Online Help button on the printer home
page you’ll be linked to an HTML page located at the QMS web site.
From here you can link to a topic which applies to your specific prob-
lem. You can also access a list of current FAQs (Frequently Asked
Questions) about your print system.