Promega Corporation · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516
TM320 · Revised 4/15
A confirmation screen allows you to verify that the correct selection has been made. If correct, press Run/
Stop, and you will be prompted to open the door to load the samples. Press the Run/Stop button. Open the
door. The instrument platform will extend, ready for sample loading. Follow the steps in Sections 5.B and
5.C to gather the run data and perform the run. Follow the steps in Section 6 to generate the run reports.
At this point there are di
erent paths forward, depending on whether the run data reporting
options are being used. See Section 5.B for more information.
5.B. Setting Up Samples and Collecting Input Data
Setting Up Samples: No Run Data Reporting
Please refer to your specific Maxwell
16 Purification Kit Technical Bulletin or Manual for detailed instructions
regarding hardware mode, sample preparation, cartridge setup, and purification method. The Maxwell
reagent cartridges are designed to be used with potentially infectious substances. Users should wear the appropri-
ate protection (i.e., gloves, goggles, etc.) when handling infectious substances. Users should adhere to their
institutional guidelines for the handling and disposal of all infectious substances used with this system.
For an SEV run, the cartridges must be placed on the platform in the instrument. For an LEV run, the cartridges
must be set up on the removable LEV rack and the rack placed on the platform of the instrument. Place the
plungers in the appropriate well of each cartridge. Add elution tubes containing elution bu
er to the front position
of the LEV rack. Once all of the samples, elution tubes and plungers have been loaded, press the Run/Stop button.
The instrument platform will move back into the instrument. Close the door and the run will begin automatically.
The plungers must be placed in the correct starting position. If the instrument goes through a
run with the magnetic rods unprotected, the magnetic rod assembly must be removed and cleaned (see
Section 8.B) and the cartridges containing the samples discarded.
Setting Up Samples for Run Data Reporting
Sample Track Software (Section 4.D) allows users to track samples throughout the run. A sample can be
linked to a particular run, time and date, and the Maxwell
16 purification kit used (catalog and lot numbers).
Within that run, the sample can be linked to: 1) the cartridge used; 2) the sample position within the Maxwell
MDx Instrument where the cartridge was placed; and 3) the elution tube used to collect the eluate.
The sample and kit information are entered into the Maxwell
16 Instrument during sample setup using a bar
code reader. To collect the sample information with a bar code reader, you must use matching bar code labels on
the sample tube, Maxwell
16 cartridge, and elution tube. The bar code labels are placed on the tubes and
cartridge before adding the sample. For SEV, the bar codes are scanned as you place the cartridge containing the
sample into the Maxwell
16 Instrument. For LEV, bar codes are scanned before placing the cartridge in the LEV
cartridge rack.
Bar codes containing more than 29 characters are not compatible with the Maxwell
16 MDx Instrument.
Bar code information can be collected from the bar code on the Maxwell
16 purification kit label.
There are two bar codes on the kit label. Scan the bar code at the top of the label. You will
receive an error message if you scan the wrong bar code.