3350F Series Operation Manual 51
In the CONFIG menu the V-sense function can be set to AUTO or ON.
Please note that if V-sense is set to AUTO and the sense leads are connected to
The DUT the losses need to be approx. 700mV (3350F) before the display
compensates for the voltage loss.
If V-sense is set to ‘ON’ and the sense terminals are connected to the DUT the
Load will check and compensate for all voltage drops.
Fig 3-3 Remote sense connection on front panel
3.2.24. I-monitor
The I-monitor is provided as a terminal. It is designed to enable the user to
Monitor the Electronic Load’s input current or short current. The I-monitor’s signal
Is 0V to 10V. This signal is proportional to the full scale current that the particular
Electronic Load is capable of.
For example: 3350F: Imax = 120A therefore I-monitor 10V = 120A so 1V = 12A
Please refer to the specification Table 1-1 for the maximum current that each
3350F series is capable of.
DC Power Supply
- +
The current monitor of this unit is NOT isolated. Please be careful when you connect an
oscilloscope. Improper connections are likely to cause damage. Please follow the
connection rule on the following page.