3.2.19. Key and LED
The OPP key allows the parameters of an Over Power Protection test to be
Entered. The OPP test will ramp up the load power in steps to validate the Device
Under Test’s (DUT) protection and behavior. A voltage threshold level can be set.
If the voltage measured during the test is lower than the set Threshold voltage then
The test will fail and the display will signal OPP ERROR. Similarly a power
Threshold (P STOP) can be set. If the measured power reaches the PSTOP
Threshold the test will be discontinued and the OPP ERROR message will be
Pressing the OPP key once will cause the button to illuminate. The message
“OPP PRESS START” will be shown across the 3 displays.
Each press of the OPP button moves the menu on one step. The left and Middle
LCDs show the currently selected test parameter as text. The value is adjusted by
The rotary knob and can be read from the lower display during Setting.
The setting sequence is shown below:
OPP PRESS START (pressing the red start/stop key starts test)
OPP P STAR (power starting point of the OPP test)
OPP P STEP (value of incremental current steps from P START)
OPP P STOP (the OPP test’s upper threshold power limit)
OPP Vth (the voltage threshold setting)
Exit OPP test set-up