2-18. Analog programming Terminal input
The terminal connector on the rear panel connects.
The 0 to 10V Analog signal can program the 0 to full scale input range in the CC mode ( 0 to
12A range when load current setting is less than 12A, or 0 to 120A range when load current
setting is higher than 12A) or in the CP mode (0 to 1200W). The analog programming signal
can act alone or it can be summed with the programmed value via GPIB, RS-232,USB,LAN
or the front panel. Fig 2-8 shows the analog programming signal (4 Vac, 500Hz) is summed
with the 48A programmed setting in CC mode of 3350F Load module.
Fig 2-8 Analog programming load current in CC mode operation
2-19. Load current slew rate setting
What is the load current slew rate during load current level change, power supply turn
ON/OFF switch between ON, and OFF? The 3350F Series Electronic load provides all of the
above load current slew rate in controllable condition, the rise and fall current slew rate can
be set independently from front panel operation or remote programming.
The slew rate determines a rate at which the current changes to a new programmed value.
The slew rate can be set at the front panel or via GPIB on the rear panel of 3350F Series
high power load.
The rise and fall slew rate can be independently programmed from 80mA/usec to
5000mA/usec (3350F Load) in the 120A current range and from 8mA/usec to 500mA/usec in
the 12A current range. This allows a independent controlled transition from Low load current
level to High load current level ( Rise current slew rate ) or from High load current level to
Low load current level( Fall current slew rate ) to minimize induced voltage drops on the
inductive wiring, or to control induced transients on the est. device ( power supply transient
response testing ).
This controllable load current slew rate feature also can eliminate the overload current
phenomenon and emulate the actual load current slew rate at turn ON the power supply
under test. Fig 2-9 shows the load current slew rate is according to the power supply's output
voltage, load level setting and Load ON/OFF switch. So, you could do all items of power