for further
information refer
to the instructions
provided with the
sand filter
the pump should
never be allowed
to run dry (without
1 - If the pressure indicated on the pressure gauge falls below the nominal pressure
indicated by the blue needle, clean the pump pre-filter.
- Stop the pump.
- Turn the 6-way valve to CLOSED.
- Close the suction and return valves.
- Open the pump pre-filter.
- Remove the basket.
- Use a water jet to remove any impurities.
- Put the pre-filter basket back.
- Put the pre-filter lid back on making sure that the seal is correctly positioned and that
there is enough water to prime the pump.
- Put the 6-way valve to FILTRATION.
- Open the suction and return valves.
- Switch the pump on.
- Vent the filter (this should be done each time the pre-filter is cleaned and at least
once a week).
2 - If the pressure indicated by the pressure gauge rise above the nominal pressure,
carry out a filter back wash.
- Stop the pump.
- Check the pre-filter and clean it out if necessary (as indicated above).
- Before proceeding with a filter back wash or draining the pool, make sure that the
waste pipe (not provided) has been attached to the waste outlet.
impOrtaNt ! Your pool comes with BiO NeUtraL, a dechlorinator that removes
chlorine from pool back wash water. By installing this product, you can recycle
back wash water from your pool to water the garden, wash the car, etc. refer to
the installation and operating instructions enclosed with the dechlorinator.
- Put the 6-way valve to BACKWASH.
- Turn the pump on.
- Observe the colour of the water in the turbidity sight glass.
CAUTION a few seconds will elapse before cleaning begins (water becomes cloudy)
- As soon as the water runs clear, stop the pump.
- Put the 6-way valve to RINSE.
- Switch the pump on for 20 to 30 seconds, to remove impurities and settle the sand.
- Stop the pump.
- Turn the 6-way valve to FILTRATION
- Switch the pump on.
After a back wash, the pressure in the filter should drop back down to the nominal
CommIssIoNING aNd oPeRatING ReCommeNdatIoNs