ResIN Beads
When resinous wood species
are autoclaved, the alternating
pressure and vacuum can cause
sticky resin residues to rise to the
surface. To remove them, scrape
them carefully with an appropriate
tool, being careful not to touch the
wood. Turpentine spirits could also
be effective, but could stain the
wood if too much is applied.
salt staINs
Small green stains are frequently
found on the surface of autoclaved
wood. These can be removed
with light sanding. Otherwise, this
colour will disappear over time.
Wood exposed to sunlight is
susceptible to greying. Some
people like the silvery sheen of
this natural patina. If, however, you
would prefer the wood to keep its
original colour with brown tones,
apply a protective coating (lazure,
oil) when the product is assembled.
sPlIttING aNd
Wood expands and contracts when
exposed to variations in humidity
and temperature. As it dries, wood
contracts unevenly resulting in
the appearance of cracks. While
these can seem to be cause for
concern, they have no impact on
the mechanical properties of the
product and therefore do not fall
within the scope of the guarantee.
Knots mark the places where
branches were attached. The
quantity and size depends on
the species of wood and the
sorting process. For outdoor
installations, small adherent knots
are acceptable. The more stringent
the sorting process to limit the
number and size of knots, the more
expensive the wood will be.
joINed wood
To ensure the highest quality in the selection of our
wood, it is sorted meticulously before planing. Planks
that feature defects on both sides are taken out. Defects
(knots, cracks, flashes) are removed and the planks are
joined together (see the image above).
This is why it is not unusual to find joined elements in
a wooden pool, it in no way penalises the mechanical
properties of the wood. For the same reason, imperfections
on the interior surface of the pool (knots, cracks, flashes)
are entirely acceptable.
suRFaCe mould
Mould, caused by microscopic fungi, can grow on wood,
particularly on resinous species, on which the growth
can appear as «blueing». It is a surface phenomenon,
exacerbated by heat, humidity and inadequate aeration
and is characterised by stains raging from light to dark blue.
They can be removed by wiping the surface. Remember
that class IV treated wood is protected against attack
by fungi that could destroy the physical and mechanical
properties of the wood. For further information, please
refer to Procopi’s guarantees concerning the types of
wood and their treatment.
Colour variations are common to
every species of wood. Treatment
brings them our because the depth
of penetration of the product will
depend on the wood density
and grain. Weathering of wood
outdoors will significantly attenuate
these colour variations.
a NatuRal mateRIal.
Being a natural material, wood will have some imperfections. These are
normal and have no impact on the service life of the product.
A certain number are superficial and are not covered within the scope of
the guarantee.
If you do not intend to assemble your pool immediately, you should store it without opening it in a well-
ventilated room, or failing this, in an area protected from humidity and sunlight. If, however, you were obliged to
unpack your pool, redo and restrap the pallet. Once the pallets are undone, the kit must be assembled within 24 to
48 hours.