Lay the top layer of rebar (second layer) over the entire surface of the excavation
before pouring the concrete.
Once laid, the metal trellis should cover the whole surface (lay the trellis such that it is
set 3 to 5 cm back from the edge around the entire periphery). Some cutting around
the posts will be necessary (fig 9a.). Bars should be allowed to overlap and should be
connected together.
encase the base of
the metal posts with
a small amount of
concrete before
pouring the rest of
the slab, this will help
prevent deformation of
the metallic structure.
(fig. 9a).
see figures 7 and 9’ to
determine the correct
height of the concrete
slab with respect to the
the finish of the
concrete slab will
determine the correct
seating of the walls as
well as the quality of the
pool floor.
figure 9
PouRING tHe CoNCRete slaB
While pouring the slab, make sure that the
upper rebar mesh is encased to a correct
depth in the concrete.
(minimum 3 cm)
Level the surface and smooth it as carefully
as possible in order to minimise protrusions
and asperities that will have to be corrected
figure 9b
figure 9a