avoid siting your
pool beneath trees or
electrical lines.
orient the pool such
that skimmers face
into prevailing winds.
exCavatIoN & ReBaR mesH
Note that the excavation is deeper around
the periphery in order to accommodate the
reinforcing metallic structure. (fig. 2)
By deepening the excavation around the edges
only, you minimise the total volume of concrete
required to pour the slab.
figure 2
The bottom of the excavation should be perfectly level
to facilitate installation of the metallic structure. (fig. 3)
(either add a layer of compacted gravel or pour a rough
layer of concrete).
Lay a rebar mesh over this section (fig 3) .
figure 3
dImeNsIoNs oF tHe exCavatIoN & tHe CoNCRete slaB
Upper rebar mesh
lower rebar mesh
Drain pipe
section b-b