ConsoliDator Multi-Channel Controller
Instruction Manual
High or Low Pulse Alarm
Pulse Modes are used to generate
an on/off continuous pulsing signal.
Select [HIGH: Pulse Mode] from
Alarm Mode
options to continuously
pulse relay when high set point is
reached. Pulsing stops when low
reset point is reached.
Select [LOW: Pulse Mode] from
Alarm Mode
options to continuously
pulse relay when low set point is
reached. Pulsing stops when high
reset point is reached.
Alarm Setup: 1
Alarm Mode: HIGH: Pulse Mode
Channel: [1] Analog: 1
High Value: 16.00 mA
Low Value: 8.00 mA
Delay ON: 1.0 sec
Delay OFF: 0.5 sec
Pl. Width: 1.0 sec
Pl. Delay: 1.0 sec
High Value
Enter high process variable set/reset point.
Low Value
Enter low process variable set/reset point.
Delay ON
Enter a delay between when the set point is reached and the pulse
signal starts.
Delay OFF
Enter a delay between when the reset point is reached and the
pulse signal stops.
Pl. Width
Enter pulse duration (Energized relay.)
Pl. Delay
Enter duration between pulses (De-energized relay.)
Pulse Width
Pulse Delay
Delay ON
Set Point Reached
Figure 20. Pulse Relay Timing Diagram
Example Pulse Mode Scenario
The unit is set to the following:
Alarm Mode:
[HIGH: Pulse Mode]
High Value: [16 mA]
Low Value: [10 mA]
Delay ON: [2 sec]
Delay OFF: [3 sec]
Pl. Width
: [1 sec]
Pl. Delay:
[2.5 sec]
The following describes operation based on the above settings:
The process reaches 16 mA: 2 seconds pass with no relay action.
Relay begins pulsing: on for 1 second, off for 2.5 seconds. ON-OFF alternation continues while the
process is above 10 mA. The process reaches 10 mA: Pulse sequence continues for 3 seconds and
then stops completely until 16 mA is reached again.