Administrator’s Guide for Polycom CX7000 Systems
Polycom, Inc.
Obtain an IP address automatically
Specifies that the system gets an IP address automatically.
Use the following IP address
Specifies that the IP address is not assigned automatically.
IP Address
Specifies the IP address to use for this system.
Subnet Mask
Displays the subnet mask currently assigned to the system.
Default Gateway
Specifies the gateway IP address to use If the system does not automatically
obtain one.
Obtain DNS Server address automatically
Specifies that the system gets a DNS address automatically.
Use the following DNS server address
Specifies that the DNS address is not assigned automatically.
Preferred DNS server
Specifies the DNS address to use for this system.
Alternate DNS server
Specifies an alternate DNS address to use for this system.
Changing any of these settings causes the system to restart. Do not power the
system off until the restart is complete.