Automist Smartscan Hydra
DIOM Manual - version 3.01.0
Plumis Ltd Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Page 81 of 116
The next step of commissioning is testing the water path. Gently push the head 45 degrees to
initiate flow test. The head will begin to flash yellow to indicate water is about to flow, during
this period the head may be pressed again to cancel. Once flow begins the head will light blue.
At this point the water can be stopped by pushing the STOP button.
Figure 78: Attach flow test tool and gentle push the head 45 degrees to initiate or stop the flow test.
Once the flow test is successfully complete the sprayhead will turn solid green. Check the
gauge during the flow and ensure that the output pressure has reached a stable 80 to 110 bar.
the system has one second pause after 10 seconds and 30 seconds from activation of
pump as a safety feature. Read the pressure after the second pause.
Figure 79: The pressure gauge during commissioning.
The pump features a cut-out which will disable it if the pressure becomes
excessive, so it is critically important not to leave an installed system with a high out-of-spec
pressure. By leaving an installed system with pressures outside the specified range, you might
become liable for deaths or injuries. If the achieved output pressure is outside the specified
range, refer to the commissioning troubleshooting guide (see page 100) and contact Plumis if
the situation cannot be resolved.
Check that there are no leaks behind the head, at the pump or along the hoses.
Yellow flashing means
water flow is coming.
Solid blue means
water is flowing. Solid
green means
successful flow test