Automist Smartscan Hydra
DIOM Manual - version 3.01.0
Plumis Ltd Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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This Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance (DIOM) Manual gives recommendations for the
design, installation, water supply, commissioning, maintenance, troubleshooting, and testing of Automist
Smartscan Hydra when installed in residential and domestic dwellings. It primarily covers the systems use
for life safety but might also provide property protection.
Automist Smartscan Hydra has been independently, third party tested
by Exova Warrington Fire to confirm that it meets the performance requirements
of BS 8458 2015, as validated by BSI Verification Certificate VC 71258.
Automist is typically used for BS 8458 equivalent domestic or residential occupancy, up to a maximum
building height of 45 m. If the type of building is not listed (see page 16), or for buildings over 45 m, then
the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) should be consulted to agree whether additional measures are
needed (see page 16), or whether an alternative system (e.g. BS 8489 or EN 12845) is more appropriate.
In some buildings or parts of buildings, a higher level of protection might be required than that provided in
this DIOM. In buildings where there is a mix of residential, non-residential, and commercial use (e.g. where
flats are above shops, car parks, bin stores, offices, and retail units), it is generally appropriate to protect
the residential parts using this DIOM and the non-residential parts using BS 8489 or BS EN 12845.
Here are the key differences between Automist and a traditional watermist system:
Traditional watermist system
Glass bulb or fusible link
(mechanical thermal)
Electronic trigger based on smoke
detection and thermal sensing
System design
Wet pipe (i.e. one that is permanently
charged with water)
Non pressurised (open) dry pipe
Nozzle location
Ceiling mounted
Wall mounted
The system should be capable of
providing pressures and flow rates to
permit all the watermist nozzles in the
fire test room or largest compartment,
whichever is the greater, up to a
maximum area of operation (AMAO) of
64 m
, to operate simultaneously at not
less than the greater of: a) the nozzle
pressure given by the pass criteria
determined by the test in Annex C; or
b) the approval listed discharge
The electronic activation ensures only
one watermist nozzle activates with not
less than the pressure and flow given by
the pass criteria determined by the test
in Annex C.
Minimum run
10 minutes
30 minutes (when connected to mains
water as per page 36)