Adding Multicast Addresses to VLANs
Multicast filtering can be dynamically configured using IGMP Snooping and
IGMP Query messages as described in “Configuring IGMP Parameters” on page
2-68. For certain application that require tighter control, you may need to statical-
ly configure a multicast service on the switch. First add all the ports attached to
participating hosts to a common VLAN, and then assign the multicast service to
that VLAN group.
Command Usage
> Static multicast addresses are never aged out.
> When a multicast address is assigned to specific VLAN, the corresponding traf-
fic can only be forwarded to ports within that VLAN.
Command Attribute
> Interface – Activates the Port or Trunk scroll down list.
> VLAN ID – Selects the VLAN to propagate all multicast traffic coming from the
attached multicast router/switch.
> Multicast IP – The IP address for a specific multicast service
> Port or Trunk – Specifies the interface attached to a multicast router.
Web – Click IGMP/IGMP Member Port Table. Specify the interface attached to a
multicast service (via an IGMP-enabled switch or multicast router), indicate the
VLAN that will propagate the multicast service, specify the multicast IP address,
and then click “Add.” After you have completed adding ports to the member list,
click “Apply.”