Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings
You can upload/download configuration settings to/from a TFTP server. The con-
figuration file can be later downloaded to restore the switch’s settings.
Command Attributes
> Destination File Name — The destination configuration file name should not
contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a peri-
od (.), and the length of file name should be 1 to 32. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-
z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)
> The maximum number of user-defined configuration files is limited only by
available Flash memory space.
You can save the configuration file under a new file name and then set it as the
startup file, or you can specify the current startup configuration file as the desti-
nation file to directly replace it. Note that the file “Factory_Default_Config.cfg”
can be copied to the TFTP server, but cannot be used as a destination file name
on the switch.
Web – Click System/Configuration. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server,
enter the name of the file to download, select a file on the switch to overwrite or
specify a new file name, and then click “Transfer from Server.”