Command Usage
> “super” is the default password required to change the command mode from
Normal Exec to Privileged Exec. (To set this password, see the enable pass-
word command on page 3-27.)
> The “#” character is appended to the end of the prompt to indicate that the sys-
tem is in privileged access mode.
> You only need to use Level 15. Setting the password for Level 0 has no effect.
> You cannot set a null password with the enable password command. You will
have to enter a password to access the Privileged Exec mode.
Related Commands
enable password
Use this command to return to Normal Exec mode from privileged mode. In nor-
mal access mode, you can only display basic information on the switch's configu-
ration or Ethernet statistics. To gain access to all commands, you must use the
privileged mode. See “Understanding Command Modes” on page 3-6.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
The “>” character is appended to the end of the prompt to indicate that the
system is in normal access mode.