Spectrum RX I Getting Started Guide . 33
It can take the Spectrum RX I up to 2 hours to equilibrate after it has
been switched off overnight. To save time, we suggest that you leave
the Spectrum RX I switched on at all times.
Connect the Spectrum RX I power cable to the socket on the right-hand
side of the Spectrum RX I.
Power switch
and socket
Figure 13 The Spectrum RX I Power Socket
Connect both power cables to the power supply.
Switch on the power to the screen, using the switch on the front.
Switch on the power to the Spectrum RX I, using the switch next to the
power cable socket.
The Spectrum RX I begins running its start-up diagnostic tests, which are
described fully in the Instrument Diagnostics section of Advanced
Two beeps sound while the screen is still blank. A list of the tests that
have been passed appears on the screen during start-up. On completion,
the list is replaced by the Installation screen.