Cabinet I/O
For more information on field diagnostics conditions, see chapter 8.4
You find more details on the configuration options for field diagnostics in the following sections.
Input Configuration
Most device inputs are multifunctional inputs that can be used for different types of I/O signals.
Frequency/Binary Inputs
Lead breakage and short circuit detection can be enabled and disabled.
Use as frequency input: Use input as frequency input instead of binary input.
The following settings are only used in binary mode:
Invert: Invert binary input value.
Use fault state: If an error is detected, the input status remains "GOOD" instead of becom
ing "BAD". Depending on the setting of "Fault state to value", the input value remains on
the last "GOOD" value or changes to the fault state value.
Fault state to value: If enabled, the input value changes to the value of the "Fault state" bit
when an error is detected instead of remaining on the last "GOOD" value.
Fault state: Fault state value used with "Fault state to value".
Field Diag Out Of Specification: If this option is set, a logical 1 at the binary input triggers
an IO_TB Out-of-Specification condition.
Field Diag Maintenance Required: If this option is set, a logical 1 at the binary input trig
gers an IO_TB Maintenance-Required condition.
The following settings are only used in frequency mode:
High Out of Specification: If the currently measured frequency value is higher than the
High-Out-of-Specification limit, the field diagnostics IO_TB–Out-of-Specification condi
tion is triggered.
Default Mapping
IO Out of Specification
Any bit in
set when IO_TB has the target
mode "AUTO"
IO Maintenance Required
Any bit in IO_TB.FD_MR_AC
TIVE is set when IO_TB has
the target mode "AUTO"
Maintenance Required
IO Fail
Any bit in IO_TB BINARY_ER
RORS is set when IO_TB has
the target mode "AUTO"
Analog Limit Values
You can configure Hi and Lo Maintenance Required and Out of Specification limits for analog
input values. If you do not want to use these limits, you can disable this functionality by entering
the following information in the configuration:
For "low": <<<
For "high": >>>
This combination of characters means +- infinite and disables the functionality.