Programming the Controller
EN-RaychemHWATECOcontroller-IM-H57340 03/13
where the sensor is installed and can generate a low
pipe temperature alarm.
1. Set Status: Enabled or Disabled
2. Set temperature:
– Minimum: 95°F (35°C)
– Maximum: < Maintain (or Economy)
3. Set Alarm filter time: 5–30 minutes
4. Set deadband: 4–18°F (2–10°C), 9°F
(5°C default)
11. HTC (High Temperature Cut-Out)
When the optional pipe temperature sensor option
is installed, the HWAT-ECO controller monitors
the temperature of the hot water distribution pipes
where the sensor is installed and a high temperature
cut-out can be set.
High Temperature Cut-out:
> set point
205°F (96°C)
Alarm filter: 5–30 minutes (default 10)
Dead band: > 5°F (3°C) default 0°F(6°C)
The Timer feature lets you re-program any of the
pre-defined programs to suit your personnel
requirements. Reprogramming is done graphically in
1/2 hour time blocks. A block can be set to Heat-Up