Programming the Controller
EN-RaychemHWATECOcontroller-IM-H57340 03/13
After selecting “Master: Yes”, the slave controllers
will initialize and show:
:Slave: “x y” x= phase number (1 to 3)
y= slave identification (A, B and C)
The master controller is always 1 A, the slave con-
trollers will get their number and identification auto-
matically. Always check afterwards if all controllers
have unique id-numbers, if not, check the RS485
cables and repeat this procedure.
8. Reinitialize
To Reinitialize all settings back to the factory set-
tings (except time and date), set the “Reinitialize”
menu to “Yes.”
9. Short Heater
This feature allows you to activate a low current
Yes: Allows low current such as when used as a
demonstration, or to control a contactor. In this
mode there is no low current alarm.
No: Generates low current alarm when measured
current is less that 300 mA.
10. LTA (Low Pipe Temperature Alarm)
When the optional pipe temperature sensor option
is installed, the HWAT-ECO controller monitors
the temperature of the hot water distribution pipes