Programming the Controller
EN-RaychemHWATECOcontroller-IM-H57340 03/13
When Lock is on (no star in the lower right corner)
enter a password to access the setup menu. The
controller locks again after 60 seconds of inactivity.
When Lock is off the following menus are directly
1. Maintain temperature
The maintain temperature setpoint is the water tem-
perature that you set for normal use. Use the up/
down arrows to select the temperature. The mini-
mum temperature is 105˚F (40˚C) or the economy
temperature, whichever is higher. The maximum
temperature depends on cable type, pipe diameter,
insulation thickness and ambient temperature.
2. Economy temperature
The economy temperature setpoint is the water
temperature for periods during which hot water is
not usually used (at night) or when a lot of hot water
is used (peak period). Use the up/down arrows to
select the temperature. The minimum temperature
is 105˚F (40˚C) and the maximum temperature is
the selected maintain temperature. Press Enter.
3. Ambient temperature
The ambient temperature is the air temperature
surrounding the pipes where the heating cable is