Model 7600 4-20ma Analog Output
This version 7600 is designed to output a 4-20ma analog signal, proportional to the weight on the
scale in relation to full capacity.
Operating Instructions:
1. Calibrate Using the Procedures Outlined in the 7600 Calibration Manual with the
following exceptions:
a. Cal Step 25
For a faster analog output response select “UNSTABLE”
b. BAU 61
Select 300 Baud Rate
c. LEN 62
Select 8 Data Bits
d. SPB 63
Select 1 Stop Bits
e. PAR 64
Select None for Parity
f. ECH 65
Select No Echo
g. CDR 66
Select 0 Com Address
h. PD 67
Select NO diagnostic information sent to serial port during power
2. Set up the Print Slots and Codes as follows:
a. PSL 81
b. PSL 82
c. PSL 83
d. PSL 84
3. Connect the two 4-20ma output wires to the device reading the signal.
NOTE: All RS-232 commands are disabled on this version. For more information on 7600
operation, please refer to the 7600 operators manual.