A-0 13
Select if scale is to auto zero when first turned on. Use the UNITS/4 button to select
YES or NO*.
Cnt 14 Turn count mode on or off. Use the UNITS/4 button to select YES* or NO.
(This step is only available on base one.)
CAL 20 Manual Calibration entry point
rES 22
Resolution - Input Scale Resolution. Standard entry is the capacity of the scale
divided by 5000 and rounded to the nearest 1, 2, or 5.
-0- 23 Zero Range - Input the Zero Range. The amount of weight the scale is allowed
to Zero off. (99.8 % of capacity is the maximum value the scale will zero, even if full capacity*
is entered.)
UnS 24
Units - Select the primary weighing unit by keying in a number from the following
Only available on base 1.)
1 = lb*
5 = lb t
9 = c
13 = tons
2 = kg
6 = g
10 = oz f
3 = g 7 = dwt
11 = ml
4 = oz t
8 = oz
12 = l
Prt 25
Print Stable*/First/Unstable - Use the UNITS/4 button to select whether the scale will
respond to a print request only when stable (StAbLE), is to print the first stable; non
zero weight (FirSt), or any time a print is requested (UnStbL).
(Only available on
base 1.)
Cnd 26 Canadian Specifications - Use the UNITS/4 button to select YES or NO*.
0-t 27
Zero tracking value entered as a percent of one display resolution.
Entering a .25 represents a zero tracking value of 25% of one
display resolution and entering resolution and entering a 0 will
disable the zero tracking feature.
It is not recommended that a value larger than 5.00 be entered in this step,
as it may cause errors in weight readings. 0.25* is the standard entry.
CAL 30
Entry point for secondary weighing unit
2Un 31 Select secondary weighing unit by keying in a number from the following chart:
(Only available on base 1.)
1 = lb 5 = lb t
9 = c
13 = tons
2 = kg* 6 = g 10 = oz f
3 = g 7 = dwt
11 = ml
4 = oz t 8 = oz
12 = l
2rE 32
Secondary weighing resolution. Key in the resolution for the secondary weighing unit.
CAL 40
Load Cell Calibration entry point
FIL 41
Response time - Enter a number from 0 to 9 to select the response time of the scale. A
"0" will give very fast response and less immunity to vibrations. A "9" is the slowest response, but very
stable. ("3" is the standard entry*.)
nol 42
No Load - With the platform in place but no weight on the scale, press ENT.
HLF 43
Half Capacity - Apply a half capacity weight to the platform and press ENT. If a
1/2-capacity weight is unavailable, place a substitute weight on the platform and key in the amount of
weight being used and press ENT.
FUL 44
Full Capacity - Apply a full capacity weight to the platform and press ENT. If a
full-capacity weight is unavailable, place a substitute weight on the platform, key in the amount of
weight being used and press ENT.
When using a substitute weight for ½ and full capacity, you must use weights
which meet the specifications in either 1 or 2 below or the scale may not calibrate properly.