Last printed 9/3/2002
4. The scale will go into the count mode.
5. If a container will be used to hold the parts, place it onto the scale and use the ZERO and/or
TARE buttons to zero the scale. Add the parts to the scale at this time. NOTE: The parts in a
full container may also be counted by placing the full container onto the scale and using
KEYPAD TARE to key in the tare weight of the container.
The 7600 may be programmed to perform a wide variety of different counting methods. the
following section describes these counting methods, refer to the "Calibration and Programming
Manual" for information on setting your scale to perform one of these.
Two Switch Counting
The 7600 can be programmed so that when the scale is in the sample set mode, the sample will
not be accepted until the ENT button is pressed. This allows parts to be added to the platform
one at a time, where as with the one switch method all of the sample must be added at once.
Top-End Counting
The total number of items in an unsealed container can be determined without removing the
items from the container (except a sample). The container with parts is placed on the platform
and the piece weight is calculated when a sample quantity is either added to (one switch) or
removed from (two-switch operation) the container. Based on the piece weight, the total number
of items in the container is displayed.
Automatic Sample-to-Bulk Counting
This method requires that the scale be configured with two bases, a "sample" and a "bulk" base.
The lighter capacity "sample" base is used to calculate the piece weight, and the parts are
counted on a heavier capacity "bulk" base. In most cases, higher counting accuracy is achieved
with this method because the calculated piece is more precise when the sample is weighed on the
light-capacity sample base. In normal operation, when the sample is placed on the sample base,
the scale automatically switches to the bulk base and items to be counted are placed on the bulk
Counting by First Determining Error of Count (One-Switch Method using
Automatic Sample Update)
The percent error/accuracy of count can be updated by adding more items to the sample after the
initial sample size is placed on the platform and the percent error/accuracy has been displayed. In
normal operation , the sample is placed on the platform and a percent error/accuracy is
momentarily displayed, followed by the count. More pieces are then placed on the platform in
the range of 10% to 100% of the original sample. A new piece weight is calculated based on the
larger sample size, and the new percent of error/accuracy will be momentarily displayed. This
may continue until a satisfactory percent of error/accuracy is achieved.
Counting by First Determining Error of Count (Two-Switch Method)
The percent error of count can be determined before the piece weight is established. Sample
pieces are added to the platform until the percent of error/accuracy is acceptable. The sample size
(number of pieces) is then keyed-in and entered, and the scale is ready to be used for counting.