2.9 [3] Group
PC Programming Manual
Feature Manual References
1.8.5 Host PBX Access Code (Access Code to the Telephone Company from a Host PBX)
[3-1-2] Trunk Group—Local Access Priority
Trunk groups can be assigned a priority for Idle Line Access. When making a CO line call by Idle Line
Access, the PBX will search trunk groups for an idle CO line according to the priority assigned here.
Trunk Group No. & Name
Specifies the trunk group assigned to the corresponding priority level.
Select the blank option to not assign a trunk group to the priority.
Priority 1–64 = Trunk Group No. 1–64
Value Range
For KX-TDA50/KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200:
Trunk Group No. 1–64
For KX-TDA600:
Trunk Group No. 1–96
Maintenance Console Location
2.9.2 [3-1-2] Trunk Group—Local Access Priority
Programming Manual References
2.16.1 [10-1] CO Line Settings
Feature Manual References
1.3.14 CO Line Access
[3-2] Extension Group
Extensions can be assigned to a tenant according to their extension user groups. An extension user
group can belong to only one tenant. However, one extension user group can belong to several call
pickup groups and several paging groups. A maximum of 8 tenants can be programmed.
Extension Group Name
Specifies the name of the extension user group.
For KX-TDA50/KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200:
Extension User Group 1-32: Extension Group 01-32