Chapter 1: Introduction
Inner Arms
Three robot motors attach directly to the inner arms through high-performance gear reducers. If
the robot has a theta rotation motor, it is mounted at the top of the robot base. RIA-compliant
hard stops limit the inner arm motion to -53° and +114.6°.
The platform converts the motion of the robot motors into Cartesian motion. The 4 axis version
platform is capable of theta rotation of ±360°.
The 3 axis version's platform is made from stainless steel. The 4 axis version's platform is
made from electroless-nickel-plated aluminum and is rotated by a stainless steel drive shaft
driven by the 4th axis motor.
Both platforms have a 38 mm hole through their center for routing air lines or electric cables to
the tool flange.
Images of the two types of platforms are shown below.
Figure 1-5. 3 Axis Robot Platform
22792-000 Rev. A
iX3 565 Robot with EtherCAT User’s Manual