System Setup
System Setup
The settings for the Ethernet Unit’s basic and special functions are made in the
CPU Bus Unit System Setup. These settings, and the situations in which the set-
tings must be made, are shown in the following table. For details on how to make
the settings, refer to 4-2 CPU Bus Unit System Setup.
3-9-1 When Settings are Required
When settings are required
Broadcast setting
When Ethernet is used with UNIX 4.2BSD specifications.
Address conversion method
When the FINS communications service is used on an Ethernet network.
When it is necessary to set a value outside of the range of 1 to 126 for the least signifi-
cant byte of the local IP address.
UDP port number for FINS
When it is necessary to set a value other than the default (9600) for the FINS UDP
port number.
Subnet mask
When it is necessary to set a subnet mask.
FTP login name
FTP password
When setting the login name and password at the FTP server.
IP address table
When the FINS communications service is used on an Ethernet network.
When it is necessary to set a value outside of the range of 1 to 126 for the least signifi-
cant byte of the local IP address.
IP router table
When the Ethernet network is configured with multiple segments.
Mail function
When the mail function is used.
Refer to 4-2 CPU Bus Unit System Setup for details.
3-9-2 Using a Programming Device
The settings for the CPU Bus Unit System Setup must be made by a CX-Pro-
grammer connected to the PC. The settings cannot be made using a Program-
ming Console. For details on how to connect and use a CX-Programmer, refer to
the CX-Programmer User’s Manual.
3-9-3 CPU Bus Unit System Setup Defaults
The following table shows the items in the CPU Bus Unit System Setup, and their
default settings.
Broadcast settings
All 1 (4.3BSD specifications)
Address conversion method
Automatic address generation
UDP port number for FINS
Subnet mask (A value corresponding to the IP
address is used.)
FTP login name
FTP password
Not set.
IP address table
Not set.
IP router table
Not set.
Mail settings
None set.
User-created mail data address
Not set.
Local mail address
Not set.
Destination mail address
Not set.
SMTP server address (Not set.)
For information on IP address table settings, refer to 3-10 Creating an IP Ad-
dress Table. For information on IP router table settings, refer to 3-11 Creating an
IP Router Table. For information on IP mail transmission settings, refer to Sec-
tion 8 Mail.