Socket Services
There is no need to execute the CMND(490) instruction or to monitor the
completion timing and actual processing of the instruction, so this helps to sim-
plify ladder programming.
A total of eight ports (UDP and TCP combined) can be used for socket services.
UNIX computer, etc.
(node with socket services interface)
TCP/UDP protocol
CS1-series CPU Unit
Ethernet Unit
CS1-series CPU Unit
Ethernet Unit
Socket Service Request Switches
The other way to use socket services is to request a UDP or TCP socket service
by sending a FINS command to the Ethernet Unit by executing CMND(490) from
the CPU Unit. When the Ethernet Unit receives the socket service request, it re-
turns a response to the CPU Unit to confirm that it received the request and then
begins the requested processing. When the processing is completed, the re-
sults are stored in the Results Storage Area in the CPU Unit.
Eight TCP ports and eight UDP ports can be used.
UNIX computer, etc.
(node with socket
services interface)
TCP/UDP protocol
CS1-series CPU Unit
Ethernet Unit
UDP protocol
CS1-series CPU Unit
Ethernet Unit
TCP protocol
FINS command
FINS response
Processing results
Socket interface
Results Storage Area
By Executing CMND(490)