4 Data Exchange with the CPU Unit
CJ-series PROFINET IO Controller Unit Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit (W511)
Device variables for CJ-series Units are variables for which AT is specified for the I/O port explained
below. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to access the configuration of the
PROFINET IO Controller Unit.
For allocation of the device variables for CJ-series Unit to the I/O port, refer to
How to Create User-
defined Variables
on page 5.
I/O Port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with a PROFINET IO Controller
Unit or other Configuration Unit.
An I/O port has a unique pre-defined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.
For details on the I/O ports defined for the PROFINET IO Controller Unit, refer to
4-2 Device Vari-
ables for CJ-series Unit (Software Switches, Statuses)
Software Switches / Status data
Software switches (execution bits of each function from the CPU Unit to the PROFINET IO Control-
ler Unit), PROFINET IO Controller Unit statuses and error data are allocated to the I/O port of this
By using these variables, the user can program without needing to be aware of the configuration of the
memory used for CJ-series Units.
IO Devices are allocated to the memory used for CJ-series Unit. To use this area from the user pro-
gram, there is the need to create a user-defined variable of AT specification.
From the user program, various types of information are exchanged using AT specified device vari-
ables for CJ-series Unit specified to the I/O ports, and AT specified user-defined variables that are
specified in IO Device allocation areas.
From the user program, the following is used to exchange various types of information:
Device Variable for CJ-series Unit
User-defined Variable
Accessing From the User Program
Data type
I/O port, memory used for CJ-
series Unit
Access Method
switches/status data
Operation Data
Device Variables for CJ-series Unit
IO Device Area
User-set allocation
(By CX-Configura-
Any area of CIO, DM, WR, HR and
User-defined variable