ML7065-033 User’s Manual
Chapter 3 Power Management Function
3. Power Management Function
The ML7065-033 transitions to the following four states besides the normal communication states (receiving state and
transmitting state).
(1) Total-stop
Indicates a reset state. The internal circuit is in the initialized state.
(2) Sleep
State where all the circuits are stopped. As for the internal register data, values prior to the sleep state are
retained. In a sleep state only, the device is returned to the normal state without being reset by asserting
the SRESETN pin or the SCEN pin.
(3) Suspended
Only the oscillation circuit operates and a clock is supplied to the SCI only. For the internal register data,
the values prior to the suspended state are retained. The device can be returned to the normal state from
the SCI.
(4) Idle
In this state, only the RF circuit is stopped. The device can be returned to the normal state from the SCI.