Appendix F – Scanner unit setup details > 155
User Name: Set user name for the proxy server.
Port Number: Set port number of the proxy server.
LDAP Settings
Server Name: Set LDAP server IP address.
Port Number: Set the port number of LDAP.
Timeout: Set the time out in seconds (10 – 120sec) for the search.
Max. Entries: Set the maximum number of E-Mail addresses that the MFP unit can
receive in each search. The Clear button resets this value to the default.
Search Root: Set the root DN (Distinguished Name).
Attributes: Specify LDAP search attributes corresponding to “Name”, “Surname”,
“First Name”, “Mail Address” and “Fax Number”. The specified attributes are used
to query. The default attributes are:
“cn” for “Name”
“sn” for “Surname”
“givenname” for “First Name”
“mail” for “Mail Address”
“facsimilieTelephoneNumber” for “Fax Number”
Additional Filter: Specify the additional filter e.g. “(c=JP)”.
Authentication: Specify the authentication method for LDAP access.
“Auto”: Automatic selection of authentication method based on communication/
negotiation with LDAP server.
“Secure Protocol”: Authentication method for MS Active Directory. “User ID”,
“Password” and “Domain” can be set here in advance, or left blank. If they are
not set here, user should set them when E-Mail address search by LDAP is carried
“Anonymous”: No authentication
“Simple”: ID & password authentication. They are sent in plain format. “User ID”
and “Password” can be set here in advance, or left blank. If they are not set here,
user should set them when E-Mail address search by LDAP is carried out.
“Simple & SSL”: ID & password authentication.
Scanned File Settings
Max. File Size (E-mail): Set to 0 to 15,000 KB in 200 KB increments.
Clear File After Scan: Set to 1 day, 1 week, Manual.
Delete All Scan Job: Confirm deletion.
Copy Reset Timer: Set to OFF, Clear, 10 to 600 sec in 10 sec increments.
Operation Timer: Set to OFF, Clear, 10 to 600 sec in 10 sec increments.
Job Reset Timer: Set to OFF, Clear, 10 to 600 sec in 10 sec increments.
Access Control: Set to OFF, Job Accounting, LDAP/Local Auth.
User Mode Logout: when “Access control” is set to either Job Accounting or LDAP/
Local Auth, set to Convenience, Security.
LDAP User Mode for E-mail: Set to Enable, Disable.
Address Book Security: Set to ON, OFF.
LDAP Security: Set to ON, OFF.
Edit From Field: Set to Non Editable, Editable