Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine
Eliminazione di anomalie di
Guasti e errori
ATTENZIONE: In condizioni normali, una pompa di calore adeguata scalda
l’acqua della piscina di +1°C fi no +2°C al giorno. Perciò, è del tutto normale
non avvertire una diff erenza di temperatura nel sistema quando la pompa di
calore è in moto.
Per prevenire la dispersione di calore, occorre coprire la piscina ad acqua
In caso di una anomalia, appare sul display al posto della temperatura il simbolo di ano-
7. Repairs
WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool
by 1°C to 2°C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature difference in the
system when the heat pump is working.
A heated pool must be covered to avoid any loss of heat.
7.1 Breakdowns and faults
In the event of a problem, the heat pump’s screen displays a fault symbol
instead of temperature
indi-cations. Please consult the table opposite to find the possible causes of a fault and the actions to be
Fault code examples:
. Per rimediare a un errore, si prega consultare la tabella in basso, in cui sono
riportati le eventuali cause e le rispettive misure da adottare.
Esempi di visualizzazione di un codice di errore:
7. Repairs
WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool
by 1°C to 2°C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature difference in the
system when the heat pump is working.
A heated pool must be covered to avoid any loss of heat.
7.1 Breakdowns and faults
In the event of a problem, the heat pump’s screen displays a fault symbol
instead of temperature
indi-cations. Please consult the table opposite to find the possible causes of a fault and the actions to be
Fault code examples:
7. Repairs
WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool
by 1°C to 2°C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature difference in the
system when the heat pump is working.
A heated pool must be covered to avoid any loss of heat.
7.1 Breakdowns and faults
In the event of a problem, the heat pump’s screen displays a fault symbol
instead of temperature
indi-cations. Please consult the table opposite to find the possible causes of a fault and the actions to be
Fault code examples:
Codice 03
Codice 21
Codice 04
Codice 32
7. Repairs
WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool
by 1°C to 2°C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature difference in the
system when the heat pump is working.
A heated pool must be covered to avoid any loss of heat.
7.1 Breakdowns and faults
In the event of a problem, the heat pump’s screen displays a fault symbol
instead of temperature
indi-cations. Please consult the table opposite to find the possible causes of a fault and the actions to be
Fault code examples:
7. Repairs
WARNING: Under normal conditions, a suitable heat pump can heat the water in a swimming pool
by 1°C to 2°C per day. It is therefore quite normal to not feel any temperature difference in the
system when the heat pump is working.
A heated pool must be covered to avoid any loss of heat.
7.1 Breakdowns and faults
In the event of a problem, the heat pump’s screen displays a fault symbol
instead of temperature
indi-cations. Please consult the table opposite to find the possible causes of a fault and the actions to be
Fault code examples: